GET /users

Retrieve a list of users available in the system. This call is resource intensive and should generally be avoided in favor or retrieving more targeted lists via search or application or group listings.


A list of Users

Example Request

GET Request

curl -X GET -u username:password \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

GET Response

  "econtext": {
    "result": {
      "users": [
          "username": "",
          "status": "UNVERIFIED",
          "applications": [
              "status": "ENABLED",
              "href": "",
              "name": "Test Application",
              "custom_data": null,
              "created_at": "2017-05-08 19:21:13.381000+00:00",
              "modified_at": "2017-05-08 19:21:13.381000+00:00",
              "id": "609543d6-1cca-4039-9c1a-c843bda15ba4",
              "description": "Test application for use in this round of tests"
          "href": "",
          "groups": [
              "status": "ENABLED",
              "application": "609543d6-1cca-4039-9c1a-c843bda15ba4",
              "href": "",
              "name": "Test Group",
              "custom_data": {
                "tier_depth": 9
              "created_at": "2017-05-08 19:22:48.867000+00:00",
              "modified_at": "2017-05-08 19:22:48.871000+00:00",
              "id": "5fb6f5d6-3a6d-4e1d-83bb-7445274745bf",
              "description": "A test group with some custom_data"
          "apikeys": [],
          "id": "a3bc334a-f9f2-4797-aaa2-1440811c0ec0",
          "name": "Test User",
          "created_at": "2017-04-20 15:55:08.339000+00:00",
          "modified_at": "2017-04-20 16:00:37.922000+00:00",
          "custom_data": null,
          "email": ""
    "elapsed": 0.004544973373413086